muslin bag love..

So it's 38•C here in Adelaide today and after 3 days of this weather I'm done. So much to do but it's just too hot! So what better thing to do other than play...

I made up a bunch of little muslin bags stamped with happy little quotes and popped in some girlie goodness for stocking stuffers for all the little girls.

So simple, just make sure you leave the stamp on the fabric a little longer than when you are stamping paper. This allows the fabric to absorb the ink and you end up with a much clearer result.


{my kind of happy..}

Yesterday I was incredibly blessed to meet and spend the day with Louise Nelson (aka loolabelle). A true inspiration and such a beautiful soul!

Louise ran two workshops 'unlocking the secrets' of how she creates, and we got to play.. I'm not a scrapbooker as such in the sense that I don't do layouts, I much prefer to journal and play with mixed media without the use of photos. Louise's workshops flowed beautifully with my style and I even pushed myself out of my comfort zone and bought along a few photographs.. just in case.

I'm a bit chuffed with the results.. even with the 'layouts' with photos..

the gorgeous loolabelle & me..